Forthcoming changes to the Continuing Competence Test

We have made some minor changes to the syllabus for Continuing Competence, and the new syllabus is available on the Continuing Competence page of the website – click on the Revision button and scroll down the page.

There will also be a new question bank, which will go live at the Pearson VUE Test Centres from Friday 1st March 2019. If your test is booked on or after 1st March 2019, then it is important that your revision preparation is based on the new syllabus.

If you already have the copies of 2016-2018 Revision Guides, then you will see only minor changes in the topics covered so you will not need to buy copies of the new 2019-2021 Revision Guides; instead please use the free downloadable Update Sheets which capture these changes. However, please note that there have been extensive changes to the structure of Landfill Closed so we recommend purchasing the new edition of the Revision Guide to that topic.

Please note if your test is scheduled on or before 28th February 2019 then you need to base your preparations on the 2016-2018 syllabus and the 2016-2018 edition of the Revision Guides.
However for those with tests booked on or after 1st March 2019, the new Revision Guides for 2019-2021 are now available to purchase on the website. 

Background to the changes: we review the Continuing Competence syllabus every two years to ensure it reflects current legislation and practice. This latest review is an interim update; and a more comprehensive review is planned for the next Continuing Competence Test effective for 2021-2023, which will take into account potential changes that are introduced after Brexit is fully implemented.

The rolling two year programme will remain in place; the expiry date will be clearly shown on your Continuing Competence certificate, eg, if you passed on 5th March 2019 then the certificate will state an expiry date of 5th March 2021.

Please note that effective from 7 January 2019, the Continuing Competence test fee is £139.