WAMITAB is an awarding organisation that develops the qualifications, which are delivered through a network of quality assured training providers to offer the best possible experience to learners.
WAMITAB offers a wide range of qualifications and development opportunities to suit the needs of every business, large or small, and every learner, regardless of educational background. Our flexible approach to learning is both accessible and employer-led; meaning that the benefits of taking a WAMITAB qualification or training programme are measurable against both business objectives and an individual’s career path.
Full Qualifications With over 120 full qualification pathways, learners and employers in the resource management sector can find a route which best suits their needs. From entry to management level, and including license to practice, our qualifications portfolio has been developed based on National Occupational Standards designed by industry, for industry.
Single or Groups of Units
Units are the building blocks of every qualification, representing bite sized chunks of learning that provide a stairway towards a full set of useable skills. By utilising unit achievement, WAMITAB is able to provide a truly flexible approach to skills acquisition.
This is necessary because not all learners or employers need a full qualification to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to do their jobs well. By choosing one or more units which support a specific job role; employers can build a bespoke programme that works for their business.
WAMITAB is also able to work with employers to develop new training and qualifications, where there is evidence of market need. By utilising the industry knowledge of the employer, the educational experience of our dedicated standards team and our regulated position as an awarding organisation, we are able to work together to produce employer-led provision that is designed to improve business effectiveness and meet the needs of learners.
Why choose a WAMITAB qualification?
• Over 25 years of experience in developing and quality assuring qualification, training and course materials
• Our qualifications have been developed around the needs of employers to provide learners with the right skills and competences to work safely and deliver excellence in the workplace
• A dedicated team who understand the needs of your business and provide industry expertise, advice and guidance
• Willingness to invest time and resources into developing innovative programmes for the wider benefit of the sector
Use the Qualification search feature to find the qualification you need, then click the ‘Centres offering this qualification’ button to find a training provider to register with and begin your learning journey.
As an awarding organisation, WAMITAB does not deliver training but has a network of quality assured training providers that want to provide the best possible experience to their learners. Use our quick qualification search to find the qualification you need, then click view centres to find a training provider near you to register with. We recommend that you contact more than one centre to get the best possible price for training and assessment services.
We have a team of External Quality Assurers (EQAs) who ensure that our centres meet all requirements to deliver and assess the WAMITAB qualifications which they offer.This includes Centre approval, qualification approval, Centre visits and sampling learner portfolios.
If you are a learner and have a query regarding a WAMITAB qualification which you are undertaking, please contact your college or centre who will then contact WAMITAB on your behalf.
All QCF qualifications are made up of units. Each unit has a set of learning outcomes and assessment criteria that an individual will be assessed against. If they are able to meet all the criteria a learner completes the unit and once the learner has completed all the units that make up their qualification they achieve that qualification.
Credits are used to measure learning. Ofqual (2012) states that the credit value gives an indication of how long it will normally take you to prepare for a unit or qualification (one credit will usually take you 10 hours of learning).
This is the size of the qualification. Awards are made up of 1 to 12 credits (10 and 120 hours’ learning).
This is the size of the qualification. Certificates are made up of 13 to 36 credits (130 to 360 hours’ learning).
This is the size of the qualification. Diplomas are made up of 37 credits (370 or more hours’ learning).
The number of tutor-led contact hours required to support learner achievement of a unit/module or qualification.
The WAMITAB centre that you registered with at the start of your qualification is responsible for notifying WAMITAB of your achievement. Once we have received this notification, we will issue your certificate. We recommend that you contact more than one centre to get the best possible price for training and assessment services.