Do I need to take the Continuing Competence Test?

Technically competent people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are required to pass their Continuing Competence test every two years from the date published on either the Primary Qualification certificate (if this is your first Continuing Competence test) or from the date printed on the last Continuing Competence certificate (if you have taken the Continuing Competence test before) for the specific activity.

From 1st April 2024, a separate Continuing Competence test for Northern Ireland will be live. Bookings for this test were made available from 1st March 2024.

For further information on the Continuing Competence test or to book your test use the buttons on the right.

Please note:

  • CIWM are responsible for multiple competency scheme tests. If taking a Continuing Competence test, please ensure that you select the correct Continuing Competence test.
  • CIWM (WAMITAB) uses the email address registered on the Pearson VUE booking system should we need to contact you regarding Continuing Competence results. Where possible, please ensure sure you use your personal email address and mobile number when creating your account.
  • Everyone is automatically entered for the Generic Knowledge Test during the booking process, but you must be prepared to select your Activity Specific Test options at the Pearson VUE test centre on the day of the test.

Important notice – Northern Ireland learners:

  • The Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) has stipulated that all waste licenced holders in Northern Ireland must be in compliance with the Continued Competence Test (Northern Ireland) requirements by 1st April 2025.
  • It is recommended that you book your Continuing Competence Test (Northern Ireland) in advance to ensure you are able to sit your test in a Pearson Vue centre of your choice at a convenient time.
  • You can book your test here.  Please ensure you select the Northern Ireland version of the test.

CIWM ProFile:

As of February 2024, Continuing Competence tests administered by Pearson VUE can be verified through CIWM ProFile, a cutting-edge digital credentials system. CIWM ProFile is a secure smart card solution that enables on-demand verification of Continuing Competence certificates via a unique QR code.

CIWM ProFile enables learners to quickly and easily demonstrate their Continuing Competence knowledge and skills on the go – no paperwork required!

This virtual solution not only significantly reduces the risk of fraudulent certificates through reliable, real-time authentication, it also enables us to uphold our commitment to sustainability by reducing the need for printed paperwork.

Upon successful completion of their test, learners will automatically receive a link via text message and email to download their CIWM ProFile card. For more information about ProFile please click here.

Continuing Competence learners are now required to have their photo taken on the day of their test. Pearson Vue will store these photos and use them to check identity when a Continuing Competence learner returns for their repeat test every two years, as additional evidence to validate a learner’s identification.

When a learner books their test, they will be asked to confirm that they understand that they will be required to have their photo taken on the day of their test. On the test day, if learners refuse to have their photo taken, the test centre will not allow them to sit their test.

A copy of the photo will be transferred to CIWM by Pearson Vue and will be uploaded to ProFile to be used as photo identification on the front of the virtual ProFile card (an example can be found in our FAQs). CIWM will not store or use the photo for any other purposes.

Photos will remain securely stored by Pearson Vue until the next time a learner takes a test. A new photo will be taken every time a learner sits their test to ensure up to date identification is stored. Photos taken during previous tests will be deleted and replaced with the new photo.

For further information about how we use your data please see our Privacy Notice. If you have any questions, please contact

Generic Knowledge Test (England and Wales)

Everybody takes the Generic Knowledge Test (‘generic’) – the first section of the Continuing Competence test. This section comprises 18 questions on Legislation, Health and Safety and Environmental Protection. Once you have completed the Generic Knowledge Test you will be asked to take up to three Activity Specific Tests comprising 12 questions.

(Please note: The buttons links will take you to the syllabus for each element of the Generic Knowledge Test, effective from 1st April 2023. Environmental regulators source documents in support of continuing competence may have been withdrawn from circulation as a result of policy change although the content is current. We provide the information in good faith for the purposes of the Continuing Competence test but it cannot be considered a substitute for obtaining detailed advice or guidance from the regulatory body in terms of site operational requirements. If a link is broken the resources may be found by searching the source title using a search engine.)

Choosing an Activity-Specific Test (England and Wales)

An Activity-Specific Test (AST) (or ‘option’) comprises 12 questions on the specific competence which you need to maintain and should relate directly to your Primary Competence certificate

(Please note: The links below will take you to the syllabus for each Activity Specific Test effective from 1st April 2023. Environmental regulators source documents in support of continuing competence may have been withdrawn from circulation as a result of policy change although the content is current. We provide the information in good faith for the purposes of the Continuing Competence test but it cannot be considered a substitute for obtaining detailed advice or guidance from the regulatory body in terms of site operational requirements. If a link is broken the resources may be found by searching the source title using a search engine.)


Generic Knowledge Test (Northern Ireland)

Everybody takes the Generic Knowledge Test (‘generic’) – the first section of the Continuing Competence test. This section comprises 18 questions on Legislation, Health and Safety and Environmental Protection. Once you have completed the Generic Knowledge Test you will be asked to take up to three Activity Specific Tests comprising 12 questions.

(Please note: The buttons links will take you to the syllabus for each element of the Generic Knowledge Test. Environmental regulators source documents in support of continuing competence may have been withdrawn from circulation as a result of policy change although the content is current. We provide the information in good faith for the purposes of the Continuing Competence test but it cannot be considered a substitute for obtaining detailed advice or guidance from the regulatory body in terms of site operational requirements. If a link is broken the resources may be found by searching the source title using a search engine.)

Choosing an Activity-Specific Test (Northern Ireland)

An Activity-Specific Test (AST) (or ‘option’) comprises 12 questions on the specific competence which you need to maintain and should relate directly to your Primary Competence certificate.

(Please note: The links below will take you to the syllabus for each Activity Specific Test. Environmental regulators source documents in support of continuing competence may have been withdrawn from circulation as a result of policy change although the content is current. We provide the information in good faith for the purposes of the Continuing Competence test but it cannot be considered a substitute for obtaining detailed advice or guidance from the regulatory body in terms of site operational requirements. If a link is broken the resources may be found by searching the source title using a search engine.)


About the test

The CIWM (WAMITAB) continuing competence scheme is administered by Pearson VUE. To make the booking you will need a valid credit or debit card and you select the location, date and time of your test through the Pearson VUE booking system.

When you use the Pearson VUE booking system you will be asked for your WAMITAB ID. However, if you have never taken a Continuing Competence test with Pearson VUE then you will not have a WAMITAB ID. In this case you should select “No, I don’t know my WAMITAB ID” to continue the process. If you are still experiencing problems, you will need to call Pearson VUE on 0161 855 7316. WAMITAB is unable to provide help as we do not issue this ID.

If you have lost your log in details since the last time you sat your Continuing Competence test then you will need to click on the “Forgot my username” or “Forgot my password” links on the Pearson VUE booking system. If you are still experiencing problems, you will need to call Pearson VUE on 0161 855 7316 for further assistance.

In addition to the usual name, address and contact details you will now also be asked:

  • To list your form of Primary Competence (e.g. CIWM (WAMITAB) 4/6/12 Unit certificate, COTC, EPOC certificate, deemed competent or agency assessed).
  • To enter your environmental permit number(s) (if applicable/available)

We ask that you arrive at the test centre 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. This will give you adequate time to complete the necessary sign-in procedures. Be prepared to show a valid form of personal identification.

Please note: Pearson VUE will not seat a candidate for an exam unless he/she provides valid ID which contains a photo and a signature e.g. a valid signed UK photocard driving licence (full or provisional) or a valid signed passport of any country containing the candidate’s photograph and signature.

Important Test Note

Everybody taking the test is automatically entered for the three generic elements of the test: Environmental Protection, Health and Safety and Legislation. However, on the day of the test you will need to be prepared to select your Activity Specific Test(s).
You will be able to select up to three Activity Specific Tests. You do not have to take three Activity Specific Tests; the options you select will be based on the area of competence you need to achieve for your waste site. If you are not sure which Activity Specific Test(s) to take, contact your environmental regulator visit the Activity Specific Test area of the website for guidance.

Choosing an Activity-Specific Test

An Activity-Specific Test (AST) (or ‘option’) comprises 12 questions on the specific competence which you need to maintain. This section is designed to give you an idea of which Activity Specific Test you will need to take during your continuing competence because you need to know before entering the Pearson VUE test centre.

  Corresponding Competence Title  CodesActivity Specific Test  Test Code
Anaerobic Digestion4MBTAD6 Anaerobic DigestionAD 
Anaerobic Digestion4MBTFAD6 Anaerobic DigestionAD 
Anaerobic Digestion4MBTSAD6Anaerobic DigestionAD 
Anaerobic DigestionVRQ Unit 6bAnaerobic DigestionAD 
Anaerobic DigestionVRQ407Anaerobic DigestionAD 
Anaerobic DigestionMROC5Anaerobic DigestionAD 
Anaerobic DigestionMROC6 Anaerobic DigestionAD 
Civic Amenity and Household Waste Recycling CentresVRQ406Treatment -Hazardous Waste, Transfer Non-Hazardous, Treatment Hazardous, Transfer HazardousTMNH, TSNH, TMH, TSH
Civic Amenity and Household Waste Recycling CentresVRQ Unit 6aTreatment -Hazardous WasteTMH
Civic Amenity and Household Waste Recycling Centres4MCAH6Treatment -Hazardous WasteTMH
Civic Amenity and Household Waste Recycling CentresVRQ Unit 6aTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Civic Amenity and Household Waste Recycling Centres4MCANH6Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Civic Amenity and Household Waste Recycling CentresVRQ Unit 6aTransfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
Civic Amenity and Household Waste Recycling Centres4MCAH6Transfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
Civic Amenity and Household Waste Recycling CentresVRQ Unit 6aTransfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Civic Amenity and Household Waste Recycling Centres4MCANH6Transfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Civic Amenity Site3CASTransfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Civic Amenity Site Operations (Level 3)T3-CTransfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Civic Amenity Site Operations (Level 3)CA3Transfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Closed Inert LandfillVRQ Unit 6eLandfill - ClosedLC 
Closed Inert Landfill4MLIC6Landfill - ClosedLC 
Closed Inert LandfillVRQ410Landfill - ClosedLC 
Closed Landfill 3CLLandfill - ClosedLC 
CompostingVRQ407Aerobic CompostingAC
Contaminate Land Remediation VRQ409Contaminated Land Remediation  CLR  
Contaminated Land Remediation 4MTNHR6 Contaminated Land Remediation  CLR  
Contaminated Land Remediation VRQ Unit 6dContaminated Land Remediation  CLR  
Contaminated Land Remediation MROC13Contaminated Land Remediation  CLR  
Deposit in lagoonsVRQ410Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Deposit in lagoons of non-hazardous dredgings from waterways4MLNHLD6Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
End of Life VehiclesVRQ412End of Life VehiclesELV 
End of Life Vehicles4MTELV6End of Life VehiclesELV 
End of Life VehiclesMROC2 End of Life VehiclesELV 
In-house storage of inert wasteVRQ406Transfer - Non - HazardousTSNH
In-house storage of non-hazardous wasteVRQ406Transfer - Non - HazardousTSNH
In-house storage of non-hazardous wasteVRQ Unit 6aTransfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
In-house storage of waste4MTSIHS4Transfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Inert physical treatmentVRQ406Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Inert physical treatmentVRQ Unit 6aTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Inert transferVRQ Unit 6aTransfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Inert transferVRQ406Transfer - Non - HazardousTSNH
Inert transfer/physical treatment4MTMI4Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Inert transfer/physical treatment4MTSI4Transfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Inert Waste (Landfill) 3INL Landfill - Inert Waste   LIN   
Inert Waste (Transfer)3INTSTransfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Inert Waste (Treatment)3INTMTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Inert Waste landfill (Single Waste Stream)     3INLSWS Landfill - Inert Waste   LIN   
Landfill Operations: Inert Waste (Level 3)L3Landfill - Inert Waste   LIN   
Landfill Operations: Inert Waste (Level 3)LI3Landfill - Inert Waste   LIN   
Level 4 - Diploma in Waste Management Operations: Managing Physical & Chemical Treatment - Hazardous Waste4MPTHTreatment -Hazardous WasteTMH
Level 4 - Diploma in Waste Management Operations: Managing Thermal Treatment - Hazardous Waste4MTTHCHealthcare WasteHW
Level 4 - Diploma in Waste Management Operations: Managing Transfer - Hazardous Waste4MTSHTransfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
Level 4 - Diploma in Waste Management Operations: Managing Transfer – Hazardous Clinical Waste4MTSHCHealthcare WasteHW
Level 4 – Diploma in Waste Management Operations: Managing Closed Landfill Site4MCLLandfill ClosedLC
Level 4 – Diploma in Waste Management Operations: Managing Closed Landfill Site4MCLLandfill ClosedLC
Level 4 – Diploma in Waste Management Operations: Managing Landfill – Hazardous Waste4MLHLandfill - Hazardous Waste   LH
Level 4 – Diploma in Waste Management Operations: Managing Landfill – Hazardous Waste Single Stream4MLHSLandfill - Hazardous Waste   LH
Level 4 – Diploma in Waste Management Operations: Managing Landfill – Non Hazardous Waste4MLNHLandfill - Non - Hazardous WasteLNH
Level 4 – Diploma in Waste Management Operations: Managing Landfill – Non Hazardous Waste Single Stream4MLNHSLandfill - Non - Hazardous WasteLNH
Level 4 – Diploma in Waste Management Operations: Managing Thermal Treatment – Hazardous Waste4MTTHTreatment -Hazardous WasteTMH
Managing Incineration (Level 4)4INCTransfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
Managing Incineration Operations: Special Waste (Level 4)T4-CTransfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
Managing Incineration Operations: Special Waste (Level 4)INC4Transfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
Managing Landfill Operations: Biodegradable Waste (Level 4) L4-BLandfill - Non - Hazardous WasteLNH
Managing Landfill Operations: Biodegradable Waste (Level 4) LB4 Landfill - Non - Hazardous WasteLNH
Managing Landfill Operations: Special Waste (Level 4) L4-ALandfill - Hazardous Waste   LH
Managing Landfill Operations: Special Waste (Level 4) LS4 Landfill - Hazardous Waste   LH
Managing Landfill: Hazardous Waste (Level 4)4LHLandfill - Hazardous Waste   LH
Managing Landfill: Hazardous Waste (Level 4) Single Waste Stream 4LHSWS Landfill - Hazardous Waste   LH
Managing Landfill: Non-Hazardous Waste (Level 4) 4LNH Landfill - Non - Hazardous WasteLNH
Managing Landfill: Non-Hazardous Waste (Level 4) (Single Stream)   4LNHSWS Landfill - Non - Hazardous WasteLNH
Managing Thermal
Processing for Waste and Resources
VRQ Unit 6cTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Managing Transfer Hazardous Waste4TSHTransfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
Managing Transfer Hazardous Waste (Clinical)4TSHCHealthcare WasteHW
Managing Transfer Non-Hazardous Waste4TSNHTransfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Managing Transfer Non-Hazardous Waste (Clinical)4TSNHCHealthcare WasteHW
Managing Transfer Operations: Biodegradable Waste (Level 4)TSB4Transfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Managing Transfer Operations: Clinical or Special Waste (Level 4)TSS4Transfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
Managing Transfer Operations: Special Waste (Level 4)T4-BTransfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
Managing Treatment Hazardous Waste4TMHTreatment -Hazardous WasteTMH
Managing Treatment Hazardous Waste (Clinical)                              4TMHC Healthcare WasteHW
Managing Treatment Hazardous Waste (Remediation of Contaminated Land)4TMHCL Contaminated Land Remediation  CLR  
Managing Treatment Non-Hazardous Waste 4TMNHTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Managing Treatment Non-Hazardous Waste (Clinical)4TMNHCHealthcare WasteHW
Managing Treatment Non-Hazardous Waste (Composting biodegradable wastes, open windrow composting and closed vessel composting)4COMPAerobic CompostingAC
Managing Treatment Non-Hazardous Waste (Composting biodegradable wastes, open windrow composting and closed vessel composting)4COM6Aerobic CompostingAC
Managing Treatment Non-Hazardous Waste (Composting biodegradable wastes, open windrow composting and closed vessel composting)4MBTOW6Aerobic CompostingAC
Managing Treatment Non-Hazardous Waste (Composting biodegradable wastes, open windrow composting and closed vessel composting)4MBTIV6 Aerobic CompostingAC
Managing Treatment Non-Hazardous Waste (Composting biodegradable wastes, open windrow composting and closed vessel composting)VRQ Unit 6bAerobic CompostingAC
Managing Treatment Non-Hazardous Waste (Composting biodegradable wastes, open windrow composting and closed vessel composting)MROC3Aerobic CompostingAC
Managing Treatment Non-Hazardous Waste (Composting biodegradable wastes, open windrow composting and closed vessel composting)MROC4Aerobic CompostingAC
Managing Treatment Non-Hazardous Waste (Remediation of Contaminated Land)               4TMNHCL Contaminated Land Remediation  CLR  
Managing Treatment Operations: Biodegradable Waste (Level 4)TMB4Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Managing Treatment Operations: Clinical or Special Waste (Level 4)TMS4Treatment -Hazardous WasteTMH
Managing Treatment Operations: Special Waste (Level 4)T4-ATreatment -Hazardous WasteTMH
Material Recovery Facilities4MTMRF6Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Material Recovery FacilityVRQ406Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Material Recovery FacilityVRQ Unit 6aTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Mechanical Biological TreatmentVRQ Unit 6fTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Mechanical Biological TreatmentVRQ411Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT)4MTMBT6Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Metal Recovery Site (MRS) Dry ScrapVRQ411Metal Recycling SitesMRS 
Metal Recovery Site (MRS) Wet ScrapVRQ413Metal Recycling SitesMRS 
Metal Recycling Sites4MTMRS4Metal Recycling SitesMRS 
Metal Recycling Sites4MTMRS6Metal Recycling SitesMRS 
Metal Recycling SitesMROC1Metal Recycling SitesMRS 
Metal Recycling SitesLROC1Metal Recycling SitesMRS 
Mobile plant for land spreadingVRQ415LandspreadingLSNHW
Mobile plant for land spreading (land treatment resulting in benefit)4MTMPL6LandspreadingLSNHW
Mobile plant for land spreading of sewage sludge (land treatment resulting in benefit)4MTMPLS6LandspreadingLSNHW
Mobile plant for land spreading of sewage sludge (land treatment resulting in benefit)MROC1LandspreadingLSNHW
Mobile plant for land spreading of sewage sludge (land treatment resulting in benefit)MROC10aLandspreadingLSNHW
Mobile plant for land spreading of sewage sludge (land treatment resulting in benefit)MROC10bLandspreadingLSNHW
Mobile Plant for treatment of land for land reclamation, restoration or improvement4MTMPRR6Contaminated Land Remediation  CLR  
Mobile plant for treatment of waste to produce soilVRQ406Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Mobile plant for treatment of waste to produce soil, soil substitutes and aggregate4MTMPS4Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Mobile plant for treatment of waste to produce soil, soil substitutes and aggregate VRQ Unit 6aTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Mobile plant permit for the treatment of asphalt waste containing coal tar4MTMPA6Treatment -Hazardous WasteTMH
Non-hazardous clinical waste transfer/ treatment4MTTNHCHealthcare WasteHW
Non-hazardous clinical waste transfer/ treatment4MTSNHC6Healthcare WasteHW
Non-hazardous sludgeVRQ407Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Non-hazardous sludgeVRQ Unit 6bTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Non-hazardous sludge – biological, chemical and physical4MTMNHS6Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Non-hazardous transferVRQ406Transfer - Non - HazardousTSNH
Non-hazardous transfer with treatmentVRQ406Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Non-hazardous transfer with treatmentVRQ Unit 6aTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Non-hazardous transfer with treatment4MPTNH6Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Non-hazardous transfer without treatment4MTSNH6Transfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Non-hazardous transfer without treatmentVRQ Unit 6aTransfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Open Inert LandfillVRQ Unit 6eLandfill - Inert Waste   LIN   
Open Inert Landfill4MLIO6Landfill - Inert Waste   LIN  
Open Inert LandfillVRQ410Landfill - Inert Waste   LIN  
Open Inert Landfill Single Waste StreamVRQ Unit 6eLandfill - Inert Waste   LIN   
Open Inert Landfill Single Waste Stream4MLISO6Landfill - Inert Waste   LIN  
Other Mobile Treatment Facilities (Non-hazardous)4MTMPO6Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Storage and treatment of dredgingsVRQ410Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Storage and treatment of dredgings from waterways4MLNHSD6Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Storage of Electrical Insulating Oil4MTSEIO6Transfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
Storage of Electrical Insulating Oil / Catalytic ConvertersVRQ414Transfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
Storage of inert wasteVRQ Unit 6aTransfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Storage of wastes to be used in land treatmentMROC6bTransfer Non-hazardousTSNH
Storage of wastes to be used in land treatmentVRQ407Transfer Non-hazardousTSNH
Transfer Operations: Inert Waste (Level 3)T3-BTransfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Transfer Operations: Inert Waste (Level 3)TSI3Transfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
Treatment of land for reclamation, restoration or improvement of land  4MTRR6  Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Treatment of waste to produce soilVRQ406Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Treatment of waste to produce soil, soil substitutes and aggregate4MTMS4Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Treatment of waste to produce soil, soil substitutes and aggregateVRQ Unit 6aTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Treatment of waste woodVRQ Unit 6aTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Treatment of waste wood for recovery4MTMTR6Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Treatment Operations: Inert Waste (Level 3)T3-ATreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Treatment Operations: Inert Waste (Level 3)TMI3Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Use of waste in a deposit for recovery operation VRQ410Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Use of waste in a deposit for recovery operation (construction, reclamation, restoration or improvement of land other than by mobile plant4MTMDR6Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Use of waste to manufacture timber or construction products4MTMTC6Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
Use of wastes in construction4MTSCO4Transfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Closed LandfillHROC3Landfill ClosedLC
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Closed LandfillHROC3Landfill ClosedLC
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Open Hazardous LandfillHROC1a HROC1bLandfill - Hazardous Waste   LH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Open Non-Hazardous LandfillHROC2a HROC2bLandfill - Non - Hazardous WasteLNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing physical and Chemical Treatment of Hazardous WasteHROC6Treatment -Hazardous WasteTMH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Thermal Treatment of Hazardous WasteHROC5aTreatment -Hazardous WasteTMH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Thermal Treatment of Hazardous WasteHROC5bHealthcare WasteHW
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Transfer of Hazardous WasteHROC4aTransfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High Risk Operator Competence for Managing Transfer of Hazardous WasteHROC4bHealthcare WasteHW
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Construction WasteLROC5Transfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Inert Physical TreatmentLROC4Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Inert Storage and TransferLROC3Transfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 low Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Treatment to Produce SoilLROC2Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Low Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Waste Transfer and StorageLROC1Transfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Closed Inert LandfillMROC9Landfill - ClosedLC 
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Dredgings ManagementMROC11Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Household Waste Recycling CentreMROC14bTransfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Household Waste Recycling CentresMROC14aTreatment -Hazardous WasteTMH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Household Waste Recycling CentresMROC14bTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Managing Household Waste Recycling CentresMROC14aTransfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Mechanical Biological TreatmentMROC18Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Clinical Waste TransferMROC16Healthcare WasteHW
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Clinical Waste TreatmentMROC15Healthcare WasteHW
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Sludge and Landspreading  (Non-haz sludge only)MROC10bTreatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Waste TransferMROC12Transfer - Non - Hazardous WasteTSNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Waste Treatment and TransferMROC1Treatment - Non - HazardousTMNH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Open Inert LandfillMROC7Landfill - Inert Waste   LIN   
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Open Inert Landfill Single Waste StreamMROC8Landfill - Inert Waste   LIN   
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Physical Treatment  (asphalt containing coal tar)MROC2Treatment -Hazardous WasteTMH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Storage of Electrical Insulating Oil (Old Title)MROC17Transfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Storage of Hazardous WasteMROC17Transfer - Hazardous WasteTSH
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment4MPTHWEEEWEEE 
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment4MTWATF6WEEEWEEE 
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment4MTSWE4WEEEWEEE 
Waste Electrical and Electronic EquipmentMROC2WEEEWEEE 
Waste Electrical and Electronic EquipmentLROC1WEEEWEEE 


Before taking the test

The test is part of the joint CIWM (WAMITAB) Operator Competence scheme which is applicable in England, Wales and Northern Ireland for those individuals who:

  • Achieved their Certificate of Technical Competence (CoTC) before 22 December 2008.
  • Achieve one of CIWM (WAMITAB)’s operator competence qualifications (four-, six- and twelve-unit qualifications).
  • Hold an Environmental Permitting Operator’s Certificate (EPOC) and operate a low-risk waste facility.
  • Are ‘Deemed’ competent operators according to the Environment Agency.
  • Are ‘Environment Agency Assessed’.
  • Are ‘Deemed’ as a waste license holder according to the Northern Ireland Environment Agency.

If you are unsure, your local regulatory officer at the Environment Agency (England), Natural Resources Wales (Wales) or Northern Ireland Environment Agency will be able to advise if the test applies to you.

Many previously exempt waste activities now require an environmental permit and operators must demonstrate they are competent to hold a permit. The relevant Agency or Department is making special provisions for operators who must move from being an exempt activity to a permitted activity. These provisions apply to individuals who held a management role in relation to an exempt activity which now requires a permit. Further guidance is available from the relevant Agency or Department.

This is a multiple-choice question test. The questions cover two components:

  1. Generic Knowledge Test (‘generic’) comprising questions on legislation, health and safety and environmental protection.
  2. An Activity-Specific Test(or ‘option’) which comprises questions on the specific competence or competencies which need to be maintained.

Please note: if you hold more than one primary competence qualification and want to use them as evidence of technical competence, then you will have to choose an ‘activity specific option’ for each qualification. Candidates have a choice of undertaking a maximum of three Activity Specific Tests within the 60- minute test period. It is strongly recommended that candidates only take the number of Activity Specific Tests that they are confident of completing within the 60-minute test period.

Yes. There are no restrictions on the number of Continuing Competence Tests that can be booked and taken by candidates. For example, candidates who require certification against four Activities may choose to book two Continuing Competence tests, each including two Activity Specific Tests.

It is recommended that candidates do not take Activity Specific Tests that do not relate to their environmental permit / licence.

Everyone takes the Generic Knowledge sections. You will then need to select the Activity Specific Test(s) that you need to achieve/maintain, when you arrive at the test centre It is essential that you know which Activity Specific Tests to take before travelling to the test centre. You can search your qualification to find out which test is required by choosing “activity specific test” button.

It is recommended that candidates do not take Activity Specific Tests that do not relate to their environmental permit / licence.

The test comprises 18 questions for the Generic Knowledge Test and a further 12 questions for each Activity Specific Test you choose.

Candidates have a maximum of 60-minutes to complete the Continuing Competence test.

To achieve an overall Pass grade, you must achieve:

  • A minimum of 70% overall (21/30).


  • A minimum of 50% of the marks available from each of the three Generic Knowledge Test (GKT) sections.


  • A minimum of 50% of the marks available from each Activity Specific Test (AST) taken.

Each activity is scored individually alongside the generic sections, and all three elements above must be met to achieve a Pass grade.

Yes, you will need to be able to use a computer and a mouse. You may decide to undergo some IT training or practice before booking the test. If you still have concerns about the use of the IT equipment, call Pearson VUE on 01618 557316.

A paper-based test is not currently available. However, there are provisions available for individuals that require a reasonable adjustment.

There is a range of support available for people revising for their continuing competence test (England and Wales only), including:

We recommend you prepare thoroughly for the test as this is one of the key success factors.

Please note: The majority of the content within the revision guides are applicable to learners in Northern Ireland, however revision guides are based on the content of the Continuing Competence syllabi for England and Wales. There are no immediate plans to create revision guides specifically for Northern Ireland.

There is not a practice test currently available for Continuing Competence; however, example questions are provided in the revision guide.

What if I have difficulties?

As a Regulated Awarding Organisation, CIWM is required by the Equality Act 2010 to make reasonable adjustments where a learner, who is disabled within the definition of the Equality Act 2010, would be at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to someone who is not disabled. CIWM will consider applications for reasonable adjustments (e.g. a reader or extra time) on a case by case basis.

If you want to apply for a reasonable adjustment, please complete the Continuing Competence Access Arrangements Form and email it to with any evidence. If CIWM approves your application, you will receive a confirmation email within 5 working days. You will then need to contact Pearson VUE 24 hours after approval, to schedule a test with an ‘accommodation’ at the test centre. Please do not book your test before you have received confirmation from CIWM (WAMITAB) that access arrangements are in place.

Booking the test

You can book your Continuing Competence test at any time on You will need a valid credit or debit card and will select the location, date, and time of your test.

It is essential that you provide your name exactly how it appears on the identification (ID) that you will present at the test centre. This includes ensuring CAPITAL letters are used where appropriate. If there is not an exact match, you will not be able to take your test and will not be reimbursed for any fees.

In addition, wherever possible, please ensure that you provide your personal email address and personal mobile telephone number.

Important – please ensure that you book the correct version of the test. There is a separate continuing competence test for England and Wales, and a separate test for Northern Ireland. Please be aware that you will not be eligible for a refund if you sit the wrong test.

Contact Pearson VUE on 0161 855 7316 or email regarding cancellations, bookings, or any problems you experience during the registration process.

To cancel or reschedule your test, you must contact Pearson VUE directly. Cancelling or rescheduling an exam must be done at least 24 hours prior to the exam appointment time. Late cancellation requests will result in forfeiture of your exam fee and you will need to pay the fee again to take the exam. There is a button on the right-hand side of CIWM (WAMITAB) landing page which allows you to re-schedule your test.

Effective from 1st January 2024 the test fee is £184.00; this fee covers the Generic Knowledge Test and the Activity Specific Test irrespective of the number of Activity Specific Tests chosen (a maximum of three Activity Specific Tests can be taken at one time).

Pearson VUE will send a confirmation letter via email to the email address supplied by the candidate in the registration/booking process. This will confirm the details of your test booking.

No, all payments are made using debit or credit cards at the time of booking and the confirmation letter via email is evidence that the test has been paid for.

Payments are made using a web-based, registration, scheduling and payments system. The payments system requires a credit or debit card. For organisations wanting to purchase vouchers (minimum order 10 vouchers) contact: These vouchers will have to be paid for by credit or debit card.

What happens when I arrive at the Test Centre?

If you do not arrive for the test (‘no-show’) or arrive 15 minutes late for your test and are refused admission, you will forfeit your exam fee and will need to pay the fee again to take the exam.

If you are unable to attend your test due to illness, and do not cancel or re-schedule at least 24 hours before your appointment, you will forfeit your exam fee and will need to pay the fee again to take the exam.

If for some reason the test centre is closed due to adverse weather conditions or ‘force majeure’ candidates will be offered a re-test at no cost to themselves. However, if the centre is open and candidates are unable to attend this will be considered as a no-show and you will forfeit your exam fee and will need to pay the fee again to take the exam.

We ask that you arrive at the test centre 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. This will give you adequate time to complete the necessary sign-in procedures.

Be prepared to show a valid form of personal identification that contains both a photo and a signature which would be either a modern UK photocard driving license (full or provisional) or a passport of any country containing a photograph and signature. If you have none of these, you may present a Citizen’s ID Card. You must bring the original/physical ID to the centre. Photos or copies of ID will not be accepted at the test centre.

It is essential that the identification (ID) you present at the test centre, on the day of your test shows your name exactly as you entered it at the time of booking your test.  This includes ensuring CAPITAL letters are used where appropriate.

Continuing Competence learners are now required to have their photo taken on the day of their test. When you book your test, you will be asked to confirm that you understand that you will be required to have your photo taken on the day of your test.

On the test day, if you refuse to have your photo taken, the test centre will not allow you to sit your test. For further information about how we use your data please see our Privacy Notice.  If you have any questions, please contact

The test is based on multiple-choice with one question at a time shown on the screen. Underneath the question the various answers are set out. To select an answer, you use the mouse to touch the button beside the answer you want on the screen.

Yes, you will be able to go back and forth to questions within your test and change your answers by using the mouse . If candidates are undertaking more than one Activity Specific Test, they will be able to prioritise the test, or questions to take first. Before ending your test, you will be taken to a review screen where you have the option to review all, incomplete or flagged questions.

During your test, you are able to flag questions which you are unsure of and wish to go back to before selecting your final answer. Before ending your test, you will be taken to a review screen where you have the option to review all, incomplete or flagged questions.

If there is a short interruption to the test, candidates are usually able to continue.  The answers that have been given up to that point will not normally be lost.  If there is a large disruption, then you will be offered a new test free of charge.

Yes, candidates will receive a notification after 30-minutes have elapsed and when there is 5 minutes remaining.

Yes, candidates have the flexibility to use the maximum 60-minute test period as they choose fit. However, the test will end after 60-minutes have elapsed.

Once you have completed all the, you will be taken to a review screen where you have the option to review all, incomplete or flagged questions. Once you are happy with your review and are ready to end your test, you will select the ‘End Review’ button. At this point a message will appear asking you to confirm that you are ready to end your review. Once you select ‘Yes’, you will no longer be able to go back and will be taken to a screen where you will need to select ‘End Test’. Again, another message will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to end your test.

After the test

You will be notified immediately of the outcome at the test centre. Once you select ‘End Test’, your test result for each activity will be shown on screen. In addition, you will also be provided with a printed test score report. If successful, your Continuing Competence certificate will be sent to you by post.

To achieve an overall Pass grade, you must achieve:

  • A minimum of 70% overall (21/30).


  • A minimum of 50% of the marks available from each of the three Generic Knowledge Test (GKT) sections.


  • A minimum of 50% of the marks available from each Activity Specific Test (AST) taken.

Each activity is scored individually alongside the generic sections, and all three elements above must be met to achieve a Pass grade.

If you require an up-to-date continuing competence test to act as the Technically Competent Manager (TCM) on a permitted waste site, then you will have to re-book the test as soon as possible to remain compliant with the requirements of your environmental regulator.

Please note: to meet regulatory requirements continuing competence certificates should be accompanied by a relevant primary qualification, EPOC or facility type if Deemed Competent/Environment Agency Assessed.

In this scenario, or similar scenarios, providing the candidate meets the minimum pass criteria as stated within the test calculation, they will be certificated against Transfer Hazardous Waste, but will not be certificated against Treatment Hazardous Waste.

At the end of the test, you will receive your score report which provides the scores for each component of the Generic Knowledge Test (i.e. legislation, health and safety and environmental protection) and the score for each Activity Specific Test taken.  If you are unsuccessful this should enable you to focus your learning for the subsequent test.  As the questions are chosen at random, we will be unable to provide information on the specific questions that you did not answer correctly.

If successful, your Continuing Competence certificate will be sent to you by post.

You go back to the booking section of the website using the right-hand navigation – book your test or call Pearson Vue direct on 01618 557316

To comment or complain about the online booking service, please send an email to If you have any comments about the structure or questions, then please contact CIWM on

No, you will need to pay for and sit the correct test to gain the correct certificate.