Waste Site Safety Made Simple
Waste Site Safety Made Simple
Check your skills with our free waste site safety games!
From fires to machinery, there are lots of health and safety risks on waste sites. Operators play an important role in looking out for potential hazards and preventing accidents, making sure these sites are a safe place to work.
Our new games give you a quick and easy way to learn about two essential health and safety topics: hazard awareness and fire evacuation procedures.
By playing these games, you’ll be able to learn new skills whilst having fun at the same time!
Our simple step-by-step guide will help you get started and find your way around. If you have any questions, or if you need help accessing the games, please email training@ciwm.co.uk.
Are you an employer? If you’re looking for an engaging, efficient and cost effective way to upskill your staff, you can find out more about our gamified learning solution here.
Support your staff with gamified learning
Our new learning games have been developed to help overcome some of the key challenges related to upskilling operative-level employees, including lack of funding, minimal space on site, time restrictions, literacy and numeracy skills and a hesitation towards learning in traditional environments.
Gamified learning gives employers the ability to deliver targeted training messages to their staff quickly and efficiently in a fun, engaging and accessible way.
We hope these initial games will provide the blueprint for an accessible workplace learning model which will help employers with training their staff, particularly where time is short or funding for learning is limited.
If you are interested in developing similar solutions to support the learning needs of your employees, please contact education@ciwm.co.uk to find out more.
These games were developed exclusively for CIWM (WAMITAB) by Academii with support from Ufi VocTech Trust.